Crypto Zion

At CryptoZion you will find the latest

Market macro market analysis and insights regarding digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano and many of the top Alt coins across crypto.

Reliable information about how to get started in the digital asset space. The latest content regarding wallets, security, NFT’s, Defi projects, yield farming, and passive income.

Innovative approaches to personal investments.

CryptZion does not offer financial services or advice. We always encourage our community to do your own research (DYOR) and make informed decisions that align with your own goals.

Our timeline is as follows

  • 2022 Q1 - Q3

    • Focus on building the community through socials and subscriptions to our macro market analysis and insights newsletter.

    • Produce bi-weekly macro analysis newsletter

    • Content creation for the CryptoZion digital asset courses

  • 2022 Q4 - 2023 Q1

    • Launch CryptoZion digital asset online courses

    • Develop CryptoZion Premium subscription service

    • Launch CryptoZion Youtube channel

  • 2023 Q1 - Q2

    • Launch CryptoZion one-to-one crypto coaching: A tailored support experience for individuals and business.

  • 2023 Q3 - Q4

    • Launch CryptoZion Premium subscription service


A concise history of money